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What Are The 3 Levels of Reiki?

Reiki is an ancient art of hands-on healing that was discovered in the 1850s by a Japanese Christian monk, Mikao Usui. The word is derived from two Japanese characters, “Rei” which means universal, and “Ki” which means life force energy. Reiki is the ability to bring Universal Life Force Energy into the human energy field,

Reiki is a powerful tool for relaxation, calming the mind and body as well as decreasing anxiety and tension. Reiki can also assist in healing. It affects every level of our being, including physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. A Reiki treatment can not only assist your own personal growth but can also benefit others. Once attuned to Reiki you become the conduit by which Universal Life Force Energy flows.

Continue reading to discover more about the different levels of Reiki.

First Degree

The first degree of Reiki is called Shoden, The Entrance. During this learning process in Reiki you learn the history of Reiki and how it was brought to the United States in 1973. It is an opportunity to learn what Reiki is about and what it can or cannot do. Students learn about the energy that is all around us and how Reiki can blend with any situation.

Second Degree

Second-degree Reiki is known as Okuden, The Deep Inside. This is where students learn the symbols that they will use to bring Reiki into the human energy field. These symbols are sacred and once class is over they are never supposed to be said out loud or written in front of anyone else. It is not about exclusion but of honoring this ancient tradition, Students also learn about the Meridians in the body in order to understand how “chi” ( energy ) flows. The intent is to be the highest healing good for the person receiving Reiki understanding, however, that the energy will go to the person’s highest priority and not where you think it should go.

Third Degree & Master Level

The third degree of Reiki is called Shinpiden, Mystery of the Secret Teaching. The student is given the Master Symbol, which allows them to work on a more personal level and helps them to touch base with their own inner truth and move towards the path of greater enlightenment.

For those interested in training to become a Reiki practitioner, as well as those in search of Reiki healing, it is worth spending the extra time to find a genuine, reliable school or healer. Reach out to Universal Healing Arts Connection today to learn more about our programs and how to start your healing journey. It is impossible to escape busy times and stressful events, but it is possible to make life easier by taking time to relax. A hot stone massage is a good way to pamper yourself with self-care that leaves you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated.

For those interested in training to become a Reiki practitioner, as well as those in search of Reiki healing, it is worth spending the extra time to find a genuine, reliable school or healer. Reach out to Universal Healing Arts Connection today to learn more about our programs and how to start your healing journey.

Become a Reiki Healer - Get Certified! Weekend workshop scheduled for April 23-24 from 12:30-6pm with Reiki Master Healer and Teacher, Shima Chayvet. Call 914-737-4325 or visit to register

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